NW Football Ministries strives create a soccer environment that teaches respect for the game, oneself and their community. This includes treating our players, their families, our opponents, and officials with respect. We will emphasize the development of each individual player to reach their desired potential. Through team work, mutual respect, humility and discipline all will achieve success on and off the field.  Winning will be viewed as a positive by product of development, not the goal.

At NW Football Ministries, we use the acronym “CARE” to describe our club coaching philosophy: cHARACTER, athletic development, respect and excellenCE.


At NW Football Ministries, we recognize that our players spend more time at home, and in the classroom, than they do on the field. For this reason, we feel that is our responsibility to not only develop young athletes, but leaders. Leadership requires character, and sport is a very powerful tool in developing strong character.


As a soccer club, one of our primary responsibilities is the development of athletes. It is our job to provide the tools, strategies, and coaching methods for our players to grow. NW Football Ministries helps provide players with self-assessment tools, personal workouts, and an individualized development plan.


One of the most challenging things to do in sports is to show true respect to our opponent, and the match officials. It is very easy to give in to the comments or actions of others. However, NW Football Ministries’ teams strive to set themselves apart by honoring our opponent. It is more than just having good “sportsmanship”, but loving all - regardless of the badge on their shirt.


NW Football Ministries strives to be a club of excellence - on and off the field. Everything that we do is to be organized, professional, and with discipline.